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Acta Electronica Sinica, established in 1962, is a bilingual academic journal covering cutting-edge advancements in the fields of electronics and information science.

Aims & Scope

Acta Electronica Sinica aims to provide services for promoting academic exchanges and accelerating the development of science and technology in electronics and information science.

Acta Electronica Sinica is dedicated to reflecting, not only new theories, new ideas, and new technologies in China, but also the latest research results and the latest technological progress worldwide in the fields of electronics and information science.

The scope of Acta Electronica Sinica includes, but is not limited to:

- Microelectronics

- Circuits and systems

- Electromagnetic field theory and microwave technology

- Telecommunication technology

- Signal and information processing

- Computer science and technologies

- Networking

- Interdisciplinary applications


Acta Electronica Sinica is indexed by EI, Scopus, Inspec, CSCD (Chinese Science Citation Database), CSTPCE (Chinese Science and Technology Paper and Citation Database), CJFD (Chinese Journal Full-text Database), and China Academic Journal Digest. It is one of the Chinese Core Periodical and oen of the Class A of CCF Recommended journals.

Content Types

- Research Article (6-20 pages)

- Correspondence (3-5 pages)

- Surveys & Reviews (8-20 pages)

- News & Perspective (<=2 pages)


Pubdate: 2020-09-01    Viewed: 36805